Friday, February 24, 2012

The Riverside Church


Located on the Upper West Side on Riverside Drive at 120th Street, the Riverside Church overlooks the Hudson River. It is in District 9. Many from across the country have visited and worshiped in the church, which is known for its progressive ministry.

In close proximity to the church are Barnard College and Union Theological Seminary, as well as Columbia University.

Sakura Park is also close by. 
Students and families are most commonly seen around the area, which is quiet and home to many parks and open spaces. Tennis courts are available for use along the Hudson River. 

 Once inside the church, monuments and documents are on display. The church went through many changes and during its early years. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. led the church in its early stages as a layman.


 This statue is located in the narthex of the church. It is an angel holding a cathedral, representing the temporal church. The two windows behind it depict events, miracles, and parables in the life of Christ. 
Through the narthex is the nave, or sanctuary. The nave is a true tribute to the church's founders, architects, and artists. Elaborate sculpture and stained glass characterize the nave. Stories and parables are told through this architecture and art.

In addition to the narthex and nave, the chancel, Christ chapel, Gethsemane chapel, and carillon are also within the church.

 Riverside Church also has a number of ministries, which are open to all visitors and members.

 According to a pamphlet about the church, Riverside has historically been a "prophetic Christian voice in America on many issues including racism, sexism, homophobia, universal health care, immigration reform, pacifism, nuclear disarmament, apartheid in South Africa, and the death penalty among many others."

Pictured above is the food pantry. Clothing service and showers are also available to the homeless. Riverside also offers a library and theater.


According to a stalwart member of Riverside Church, Diana Solomon-Glover, the programs at the church come out of mission. The church is congregational, meaning the congregation votes to make important decisions. Although, Solomon-Glover said the church has undergone some administrative toil over the past three years, as many have been disturbed by the current senior minister. 
Solomon-Glover has been a member at Riverside since 1990. "I was drawn because of the inclusivity," she said, noting the church's progressive goals. The church is open and affirming and welcomes all races, nationalities, and those who identify as LGBTQ.
Solomon-Glover is a semi-professional singer. "The choir at Riverside is a very big part of my musical life," she said, explaining that the music program at Riverside adds to the ministry. In addition to the choir, Solomon-Glover is occasionally involved in social service programs at Riverside and said that the church is very social justice oriented. She talked about the food pantry that is available to those in need. 
"It is not always the easiest place to be, though," she added, noting that the church is currently going through a transition. "It is still finding its place in this world. The world is not the same as it was 20 years ago."
Solomon-Glover does believe the church helps to characterize the area, "It certainly helps to define the neighborhood," she said.

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